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.:.Streamlined RPG.:.
Streamlined RPG was written in the Fall or Winter of 2012/2013 by Max Irikura.
The rules are presented here, in html format, in full.
(I have seen that the formatting is off, I'll fix that soon.)
Last edited 3/29/15
The game is rules-light, 'modern-style' fantasy, suitable for a group of new players, but
possibly entertaining for an older bunch as well. On my own, I quite like them, but your
opinion of them is your own to decide. Without further ado, here they are:
+1 dex at 1st lvl, +2 at 10 and +3 at the 15th lvl.
Weapon Proficiencies
Longbow, Shortbow, Crossbow, Handcrossbow.
Armor Proficiencies
Cloth, Leather.
Single Double Arcane
1W dmg + dex 2W dmg 1W dmg
W range ½W range W range
Dex vs. MC Dex vs. MC vs. AC
Forester Snipe
You gain +1 spd If you are unseen and attacking
In difficult terrain. with a ranged weapon, you do
extra damage according to the chart.
Lvl 1 2
Lvl 9 4
Lvl 15 6
+1 int at 1st lvl, +2 int at 10 and +3 int at the 15th level.
Weapon Proficiencies
Staff, Wand. *see note*
Wizards cannot use weapons like other classes. Instead, they must use the their
weapons in order to channel their magic. They cannot cast any spells without a
staff or wand.
Armor Proficiencies
Magic Missile Flame Burst Ice Bolt
1d8 dmg + int 1d6 dmg + int 1d6 dmg + int
range 15 range 10 range 10
Int vs. AC burst 3 Int vs. AC
Int vs. AC If it hits, reduce
enemy’s move by half
At the 9th level, increase the damage die 1 size and 2 at lvl 15th.
Mage Elementalist
You gain a +1 bonus You gain a +1 AC
all things Arcane, such against any elemental attacks
as skill checks. such as Ice Bolt.
+1 str at 1st lvl, +2 at 10 and +3 at the 15th lvl.
Weapon Proficiencies
All melee weapons
Armor Proficiencies
Cloth, Leather, Chain, Plate, Shields
Smash Cleave Charge
1W dmg + str + 1d4 1W dmg + str 1W dmg + str
Str vs. MC Str vs. MC Str vs. AC
Deal str dmg Move 2 spaces
to an adjacent before you attack
Pull Through It
You gain +1 MC
and AC in addition to
any other bonuses.
+1 con at 1st lvl, +2 at 10 and +3 at the 15th lvl.
Weapon Proficiencies
Longsword, War hammer, Two-handed sword
Armor Proficiencies
Cloth, Leather, Chain, Plate, Shields
Lay on Hands Smite Holy Wrath
Heal 1d6 dmg 1W dmg + con 2W dmg + con
from you Con vs. AC against undead
or an ally enemies. Against non-undead
At the 9th level, enemies, it does
heal 1d8 and 1W dmg
1d10 at the 15th Con vs. MC
Righteous Fury
You gain extra con
and spd when
fighting undead
creatures, according
to the chart below.
Lvl 1 3
Lvl 9 4
Lvl 15 5
+1 cha at 1st lvl, +2 at 10 and +3 at the 15th lvl.
Weapon Proficiencies
Mace, War hammer.
Armor Proficiencies
Cloth, Leather, Chain
Healing Strike Heal Turn Undead
1W dmg Heals damage 2W dmg + cha
Heals 1d4 + cha according to the range 10
from you or an chart below from you burst 3
ally or an ally Only harms undead
Cha vs. MC creatures
Lvl 1 1d8 + cha
Lvl 9 1d10 + cha
Lvl 15 1d12 + cha
Holy Protection Wrath
You gain +2 AC Against undead creatures,
in addition to you your base health increases
normal AC. according to the chart below.
Lvl 1 5 health
Lvl 9 10 health
Lvl 15 15 health
+1 dex at 1st lvl, +2 at 10 and +3 at the 15th lvl.
Weapon Proficiencies
Dagger, Shortsword
Armor Proficiencies
Cloth, Leather.
Sneak Backstab Stab and Dash
Roll a d20. 4W dmg + dex 1W dmg + dex
On a 15+, you Dex vs. MC Dex vs. MC
turn invisible until Only works if you You may move
an enemy spots are invisible 3 squares after
you you attack
Used to Running Artful Thief
For each dex You gain an bonus to all thieving
point, increase according to the chart below.
your speed by 1.
Lvl 1 +2
Lvl 9 +4
Lvl 15 +6
Elves are a secretive race, more often then not staying in their secluded beautiful
kingdoms, which few other races have seen. They are generally peaceful, but
once angered an unstoppable force of nature. They bitterly hate their dark kin,
the Drow.
+1 dex.
+3 dex vs. Dark Elves.
Best Classes
Rogue, Ranger.
Humans are the most populous of races, spread throughout almost all parts of
the continent. A major factor of their widespread success is their ability to adapt
to almost any climate or habitat.
+1 to any 2 stats.
Best Classes
Humans can excel at anything they put their minds to, allowing them to become
any class they want to.
Halflings are a short race. They are stubborn and friendly, often endearing
themselves to other races through their character. They are know as notoriously
good thieves so often they are mistrusted despite their beguiling charm.
+1 dex, +1 cha.
Best Classes
Rogue, Cleric.
Dwarves are a short and extremely stubborn, sometimes to a fault. They enjoy
drinking and excessive eating. They are extremely strong and tough, and often
charming when they aren’t drunk. They are fervently religious, never question the
dogma, often making good Paladins.
+1 str, +1 con.
Best Classes
Paladin, Warrior.
Dark Elf
Dark Elves and Elves were once the same, but the decadence and bitter hatred
drove a difference between them. A civil war ensued, with the Elves having the
upper hand in the end. The Dark Elves were driven out of their homeland, and
left to the shadow land of Nagarethe, brewing their bitter hatred over time. They
wish nothing more than revenge against their kin. They are generally frowned
down upon by all races, being viewed as evil.
+1 dex
+3 str vs. Elves
Best Classes
Rogue, Ranger, Warrior.
The patron goddes of the Dark Elves, Sakrhine represents their hatred and
bitterness toward the Elves. Though mostly worshiped by the Dark Elves, some
Evil people may chose to worship Sakrhine who have deep hatred and wish to
get vengence.
Choron is the god of chaos and destruction, utterly insane and wishing nothing
more than to kill and wreak destruction. Choron is often worshipped by primitive
cultures and berserkers, though some Chaotic Evil characters may choose to
worship him.
The god of greed, he is often worshipped secretly evil characters. Out of all the
gods of Evil, he is the least terrible, but his influence and the extent of his power
is not less then the rest of the Parthenon of Evil deities.
Mahron is the god of death, though not evil. His followers view death not as the
end of life, just a part of it. Legend tells of one hero who was able to come back
from death with Mahron’s help, though such bargains are not without their costs.
Kaelon is the goddess of life, twin sister of Mahron, the opposite part of death,
the two work in unity but of the two, Kaellon is stronger, death just being a part of
The god of justice and law, he serves to persecute the Evil in the world, to the full
extent of the law, but never one step farther. His followers are often Lawful Good
Paladins or Clerics.
Celleon is the patron goddess of the Rogue, supporting the use of ones powers
to the full extent of Good, even bypassing the law in the name of Good.