"Fantasy Craft"Fall 2011Failed after a month or two. D6 written by me.DM: MePlayers: Daniel, Benny, Dylan, Max, MaceoZombies ISpring 2012No rules .. I think? Didn't play in more than one/two sessions here, but I heard it was great.DM: MaxPlayers: Alessandro, Peter, Benny, Dylan,Three PlainsSpring / Summer 2012We planned so much for this... an RPG, a wargame... never happened.Zombies IIFall 2012It was pretty fun, excellent DMing.DM: AlessandroPlayers: Me, Daniel, Eric, BennyBlue GrassWinter 2012/13
Straight up 4e in a homebrewed world.DM: MePlayers: Daniel, Alessandro, Eric, Benny, MaceoGame of ThronesWinter 2013We were OP, but it was fun. Unique D12 system.DM: DanPlayers: Me, Alessandro, Benny, Eric, MaxWheel of Time (part I)Spring/Summer 2013No one got the backstory but there was gratuitous XP. Part I before summer break and ended in Falme, the port town.DM: MePlayers: Daniel, Eric, Benny, AlessandroWheel of Time (part II)Fall 2013Continuation of our largest campaign and the peak of our party. Starts with Falme being ravaged, half the party has to reroll chars.
DM: MePlayers: Max, Daniel, Eric, Benny, Alessandro, Pico, Milo, DylanD&D 3.5Winter 2014Short-lived, wacky campaign right out of my demented imaginationDM: MePlayers: Daniel, Eric, Alessandro, DavidRisus HeroesFall 2014 (Lunches)Superhero insanity in a surreal military state.DM: MePlayers: Alessandro, Zak, AidanGrimdark PathfinderFall 2014 (10th pd)Pathfinder with some more grimdarkness than the usual fantasy. Ended with max falling asleep during a game.DM: MaxPlayers: Alessandro, Benny, Me, Conrad, Daniel, AdrianBlack Dawn RenegadesWinter 2015 (10th pd)An epic campaign revolving around a team of space marine renegades. Max/Adrian not present for some of it.DM: MePlayers: Adrian, Alessandro, Conrad, Benny, Daniel, MaxRifts First EditionSpring/Summer 2015 (10th pd)After the fellowship was split by my school's administration, only two players could attend my games.We decided to start a new campaign with the first edition RIFTS rules I had recently purchased offamazon. So far its a westerns-fantasy fusion genre. Funky.GM: MePlayers: Adrian, AlessandroWild TalentsSpring/Summer 2015 (10th pd)I became burned out from schoolwork and gave up GMing for the first time at the end of Rifts. We are nowplaying a superhero campaign in the WT ruleset. I hope this campaign lasts a while.GM: AdrianPlayers: Me, Alessandro, AbabAD&DFall 2015 - Spring of 2016 (at my club)I formed an official RPG club and we played AD&D for over half a year.GM: MePlayers: Adrian, Alessadro, Max, Benny, David Macintosh, Cheng, Milo, Eric